Tears of joy for Campania Wines’ Terredora Lacryma Christi Red D.O.C

Tears of joy for Campania Wines’ Terredora Lacryma Christi Red D.O.C

Partake in a glass of Terredora Lacryma Christi and you won’t just be tasting a red wine to make your heart sing, but also drinking in the mythical history of Campania. What’s more, it’s the closest match to wine once produced in Ancient Rome, confirmed by analysis of microscopic particles left on wine cask taps found in archaeological sites. How’s that for added value?

If it’s possible to believe that one myth is more likely than another, here’s the top choice to explain the name Lacryma Christi – which translates to Tears of Christ.

It’s said that when Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives, he looked down upon the world he’d left behind and his eyes were drawn to the Bay of Naples. Such was the beauty he saw laid out before him that he was moved to tears which fell upon the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. The grapes, nourished in this way, produced wine with a special quality all of its own.

Another version still results in glorious wine, but this time Jesus’ tears were caused by sorrow. When Lucifer was thrown out of heaven, he and his fellow discredited angels were so furious that they stole a bit of paradise out of revenge. Tumbling towards hell, they  dropped it – and it landed on the slopes of Vesuvius, which saddened Jesus so much, he wept.

Finally, in another legend, the tears of joy were thought to be from Bacchus, the Roman God of wine – but in that case, you have to ask yourself, why Lacryma Christi?

There’s no myth attached to the composition of a red Lacryma Christi. It’s made largely from the Piedirosso grape, known in Campania as Palombina  or Per’e Palummo because the base of the vines resemble the red feet of a native dove. At least 80% must be a combination of Piedirosso and Sciascinoso grapes with no less than half of this being Piedirosso, with the addition of 20% Aglianico to make up the total.

Our Terredora Lacryma Christi Red D.O.C is a rich country-style red, taking on the smoky, mineral flavours from the volcanic soil, and notes of sharp red fruits and warm spices – think cinnamon and white pepper.

It’s perfect with pasta, and strong meaty sauces, and just as good with pizza too.

Best of all, drink it in the company of good friends, have fun and cry tears of laughter together!



